Juice Sale 2016

Juice Sale 2016

Juice Sale 2016

Juice Sale 2016

It’s official: the 2016 Fresh Juice Sale is complete! (Updated: 10/14/16 – 12p)

As we thought, the pickup day is set: Friday, October 14th. The juice has (finally) crossed the border. We expect it about 5p, so we ask that you give us an hour to unload and get setup for you. So we’ll see you around 6p. We apologize for the inconvenience.

As in the past, juice will be delivered in 5 gallon plastic pails and be available for ONE DAY ONLY. Juice MUST be picked up on the day the truck arrives. We CANNOT hold any juice beyond that day. Your receipt will be necessary for you to obtain your juice. Any unclaimed juice will be forfeited and your money will be refunded.

Please note: Our supplier adds sulfites to the fresh juice. This may effect fermentation if you choose to use wild yeast only .

Note: Wines By Design acts as a shipping agent only and is not responsible for the quality of the juice.

Reminder: You can keep up to date with what’s happening at Wines By Design by signing up for our newsletter on our Contact page.

Sign of the Times – 5

Sign of the Times – 5

Sign of the Times – 5

It’s another “Sign of the Times” entry!

This month: You can dance!

(WBD Translation: Wine can sometimes not be ENTIRELY truthful.)

Check out some of our other graphics.

Note: A number of these are created on Canva and/or using Avery label software. You can check out our post on creating your own labels .

Got a “sign” you’d like to suggest or one you’ve created and don’t mind us sharing? Drop us a note on our Contact page.

Juice Sale 2016

Juice Sale 2016

Juice Sale 2016

Juice Sale 2016

Once again, Wines By Design is having a Fresh Juice Sale!

For those of you who are home vintners (or even those that want to start): We’re having our annual Fresh Juice sale. Once again, we have a nice selection of whites and reds (see Our 2016 Juice Sale list below). This year, we are targeting a mid October delivery date. (The date will be finalized as orders are taken.)

As in the past, juice will be delivered in 5 gallon plastic pails and be available for ONE DAY ONLY. Juice MUST be picked up on the day the truck arrives. We CANNOT hold any juice beyond that day. Your receipt will be necessary for you to obtain your juice. Any unclaimed juice will be forfeited and your money will be refunded.

Please note: Our supplier adds sulfites to the fresh juice. This may effect fermentation if you choose to use wild yeast only .

Note: Wines By Design acts as a shipping agent only and is not responsible for the quality of the juice.

Reminder: You can keep up to date with what’s happening at Wines By Design by signing up for our newsletter on our Contact page.


Our 2016 Juice list:


    • Chardonnay
    • Moscato
    • Pinot Grigio
    • Riesling
    • Zinfandel (Blush)


    • Alicante
    • Barbera
    • Cabernet Franc
    • Cabernet-Sauvignon
    • Lambrusco
    • Malbec
    • Merlot
    • Montepulciano
    • Nebbiolo-(Barolo)
    • Pinot Noir
    • Ruby Cabernet
    • Sangiovese
    • Shiraz
    • Zinfandel (Red)

Honey Sale 2016

Honey Sale 2016

Honey Sale 2016

Honey Sale 2016

Mead (or honey wine) is the oldest alcoholic drink known to man. It is made from honey and water via fermentation with yeast.

It may be still, carbonated, or sparkling; it may be dry, semi-sweet, or sweet. Unlike beers and cider, meads (being wines) are drunk in small quantities.

This year, we’d like to try something new. In addition to our offering fresh grape juice, we’d like to offer honey (from a local honey farmer) for you to try your hand in making honey wine, better known as mead!

Mead has been found in numerous ancient cultures, from China (as early as 6500-7000 BC) to Europe (2800-1800 BC). Mead has been made (and drunk) in China, India, and Rome. It has been part of the heritage in Russia, Poland, Eastern Europe, and the Baltic states. Finally, numerous Celtic and Germanic cultures, as well as some African cultures (like Ethiopia) have enjoyed (and continue to enjoy) mead.

Interested in trying your hand at making mead?

Check out this year’s Honey List for our options!


Our 2016 Honey list:


    • Basswood
    • Buckwheat *
    • Clover
    • Orange Blossom
    • Wildflower *

* – Our supplier recommends these two for making mead. While Clover is their most popular honey, dark honeys have more flavor.

Juice Sale 2016

Juice Sale 2016

Juice Sale 2016

Juice Sale 2016

For all you home vintners: We’re having our annual Fresh Juice sale.

We’ve been getting a number of inquiries already about fresh juice. We are currently in contact with our supplier and hope to have details for you very soon.

Specific details should be available for you after Labor day, so check back with us after September 5th. We’ll post details on the Wines By Design web site!

This is for home wine making only, we are unable to help you make this wine in our store.

Note: Wines By Design acts as a shipping agent only and is not responsible for the quality of the juice.

All Sales are Final.