Sign of the times – 1

Sign of the times – 1


It’s National Drink Wine Day!
Sign of the Times – 1

What better day to introduce our first “Sign of the Times” entry! We’ll highlight some of our favorite wine graphics, posters and labels. We’ll share some popular ones that we’ve come across as well as some favorites that you share with us!

Note: A lot of these are created on Canva and/or using Avery label software. You can check out our post on creating your own labels here.

Regardless of today’s “sign”, enjoy the day! The sun is out and it’s a great day to enjoy a glass of your favorite vino! Whether it’s a nice Chardonnay, a deep rich Nebbiolo or an after dinner Coffee port, Happy National Drink Wine Day!

Store hours: February 16, 2016

Store hours: February 16, 2016


It’s a snow day!

Just a quick note to let you know that we’ll be closed Tuesday, February 16th.

Stay inside, be warm and be safe.

This includes our Continuing Education classes.

If you need a hint on how to stay warm, besides the fire, a blanket and a snuggle buddy, how about a glass of port?

(That’s what WE’RE doing!)

Recipe: Parmesan Tilapia with Eclipse Sonoma Dry Creek Chardonnay

Recipe: Parmesan Tilapia with Eclipse Sonoma Dry Creek Chardonnay

The first in Winexpert’s “Impressive Pairings”, Parmesan Tilapia with Eclipse Sonoma Dry Creek Chardonnay!

Parmesan Tilapia with Eclipse Sonoma Dry Creek Chardonnay
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  1. ¼ cup freshly grated Parmigiano Reggiano cheese
  2. 1 tsp sweet paprika
  3. 1 tbsp chopped fresh parsley
  4. Salt and pepper to taste
  5. Olive oil
  6. 2 fillets of Tilapia (If Tilapia is not available in your area
  7. it can be substituted with any small white fish)
  8. 2 lemon wedges
  1. Preheat oven to 400˚F.
  2. Remove Tilapia from refrigerator about 20 minutes before placing in oven.
  3. Combine the Parmigiano, paprika and parsley in a small bowl; season with salt and pepper.
  4. Rub both sides of tilapia with olive oil.
  5. Sprinkle or dredge with Parmigiano, paprika and parsley mixture to evenly coat.
  6. Place on lightly oiled foil lined baking sheet.
  7. Bake in preheated oven for 14 minutes.
  8. Serve with lemon wedge, wild rice and toasted almond slices, and buttered green beans or fresh spring peas.
  9. Serves 2 people
Wines By Design
Impressive Pairings


A year in review…2015

A year in review…2015

year in review


Well, THAT went fast! It’s hard to believe that a whole year has gone by since we took over Wines By Design! We just wanted to take a quick moment to look at the past year.

It’s been a busy year and we’re not regretting a thing… OK, maybe ONE or two things… (Like wishing we had a chiropractor appointment set up for the day after Fresh Juice day!)

One of the best parts of this “gig” has been the opportunity to meet all of the wonderful people who share with us a fondness for the fruit of the vine! We’ve met some wonderful folks. It’s been great to make new friends and we enjoy sharing a laugh or two with them.

We’ve introduced a couple of small changes to WBD: this website, our newsletter, and updating our computer and POS system. We have also recently (re)introduced some favorites from the past. Some of you have been requesting “oldies but goodies” from the RJ Spagnols line. Favorites like: Super Tuscan, Russo Grande Eccellente, and a couple of new blends – Winemaker’s Trio (Red and White) are (back) in the house!

We have a couple of ideas for the upcoming year as well. We’ll share more details as they become more solidified. Hint: A lot of them have to do with additional education about wine: more articles on the website, expanding the “class” concept, and/or having some “guests” visit us/write for us. But we’re not close enough to announce anything yet, so please, be patient!

We hope that you’ve found that we haven’t changed TOO much though; like we indicated last year, “If it AIN’T broke, don’t fix it it“!

It’s been some hard work and sometimes, long hours, but we’re (still) pleased that we have this opportunity to continue helping the greater Rochester area make some of their very own delicious wine!

Remember: You can sign up for our newsletter here!

BTW: We’d love to hear from you too! Feel free to stop by and chat. Or, you can use the contact form (above) to drop us a note if you have an idea or question for the website or newsletter!

From all of us at Wines By Design: Happy New Year!

Marty and Cheryl Zess
Dan and Kathy Hartwig