Recipe: Sparkling Cranberry Sangria

Recipe: Sparkling Cranberry Sangria

A nice Thanksgiving (or winter holiday) cocktail, try Cranberry Sangria!

A mixture of cranberry juice and white wine, it’s a great drink for summer festivities!

Quick Sparkling Cranberry Sangria
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  1. 1 bottle white wine
  2. 25 oz. sparkling cranberry juice
  3. 1 apple, thinly sliced
  4. 1/2 cup fresh cranberries
  5. 1 sprig rosemary (more for garnish, optional)
  1. Combine all ingredients in a large pitcher.
  2. Refrigerate for one hour.
Adapted from Yummy Mummy Kitchen
Wines By Design
Recipe: Sparkling Cranberry Sangria

Sparkling Cranberry Sangria


Cranberry Sangria

A nice Thanksgiving cocktail, try cranberry sangria!

A mixture of cranberry juice and white wine, it’ll set the mood for your Thanksgiving festivities!

Serve up a nice cocktail before dinner while your guests and mingling or enjoying those delicious appetizers you prepared. If someone’s not into wine, a wine cocktail might be just the trick!

You can find all of our recipes on our recipes page.

The 2015 Ports are in!

The 2015 Ports are in!

They’ve made it! The 2015 ports and dessert wines are in!
Port wine

Port wine

We’ve received our shipment of this year’s dessert wines and ports.

We’ll reach out to those of you who had let us know you were interested in something specific very soon.

This year, we’ve been able to add a nice selection to our dessert wines, including:

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2015 Juice Sales are closed!

2015 Juice Sales are closed!

The 2015 Juice Sales are over!
2015 Fresh Juice

2015 Fresh Juice

UPDATE: [9/25: 12:30p] The trucks did NOT apparently clear the FDA inspection as we thought. As a result, the truck will now not arrive in Rochester until after 3pm. We are sorry for the inconvenience. Thank you for your understanding.

Thank you for your patronage this year.

We’ve received word from our supplier that the truck will be on the road to arrive at Wines By Design on Friday, September 25th.

It will take us some time to unload the truck and get prepared for you. Please plan on arriving no earlier than 10am. This should give us sufficient time to unload and sort the juice.

Remember: We CANNOT hold any juice beyond that day. Your receipt will be necessary for you to obtain your juice. Any unclaimed juice will be forfeited and your money will be refunded.

Note: Wines By Design acts as a shipping agent only and is not responsible for the quality of the juice.

Store hours: Sept 5th

Store hours: Sept 5th

Labor Day

Just a quick note to let you know that we’ll be closed Saturday, Sept 5th.

Enjoy your Labor Day weekend, (while we get our parking lot re-sealed)!