Juice Sale 2023
Once again, Wines By Design is having a Fresh Juice Sale!
For those of you who are home vintners (or even those who want to start): We’re having our annual Fresh Juice sale. Once again, we have a very nice selection of whites and reds (see Our 2023 Juice Sale list below).
Our address is 3392 Buffalo Rd, Rochester, NY 14624. We will be taking orders here throughout the month of September.
We are planning on the Italian American Community Center located on Manitou Road for the delivery location. We appreciate the opportunity to work with the IACC for this year’s delivery.
We are currently planning on Friday, October 20, 2023, as the delivery date.
Please note: Our supplier adds sulfites to the fresh juice. This may effect fermentation if you choose to use wild yeast only .
Note: Wines By Design acts as a shipping agent only and is not responsible for the quality of the juice.
Reminder: You can keep up to date with what’s happening at Wines By Design by signing up for our newsletter on our Contact page.
Our 2023 Juice list:
- Chardonnay
- Moscato
- Pinot Grigio
- Riesling
- Alicante
- Barbera
- Cabernet Franc
- Cabernet-Sauvignon
- Lambrusco
- Malbec
- Merlot
- Montepulciano
- Nebbiolo-(Barolo)
- Pinot Noir
- Ruby Cabernet
- Sangiovese
- Shiraz
- Zinfandel (Red)